Rethink Conflict: Tackling Conflict Resolution Myths in Teams

Conflict in the workplace is often viewed as a negative force, something to be avoided at all costs. However, this perception needs a significant shift. We believe that the term "conflict" itself is too broad and can be misleading and think it is essential to redefine conflict to be more specific and targeted....

OBJECT! How One Word Will Change Everything

It is four years today since I started the Object123 blog, a venture that eventually led to the creation of SpatzAI two years later. As I sit here, reflecting on this journey on my explanatory website SpatzAI, I am filled with anticipation for the world to embrace my simple yet innovative concept toolkit and procedure.

Cultivate Vs Innovate: Transforming Feedback Slipups into Innovation

Feeling safe to speak up in a workplace team or organization is a given that it is good for all concerned, the workplace, and the team members' mental health. It is hardly rocket science; however, how it is achieved is up for debate as organizations rally around management consultants to achieve this safe climate within their organizations.

Ignore or Object to Objectionable Behavior? An AI’s Perspective

Both Lars Behrendt and Desmond Sherlock offer valuable insights into managing negativity and fostering innovation in teams, but they approach the issue from different angles. Evaluating who "came out on top" as a psychologist involves considering the long-term effectiveness and impact of their strategies on team dynamics and innovation.

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